Raw Step by Step Album by Greyfort Greyhounds
Homemade Food for Sporting Greyhounds by Viara Gent. >>>
Hello, I have been feeding 100% homemade diet to competition racing greyhounds for over 9 years now and I would like to teach you step by step how to do the same.
There are many articles in this section which I have included that will tell you why such diet is of great benefit to greyhounds and any other dogs, but also how it will save you money. The time you invest may be more than the minutes you spend on pouring some dry nuts from a plastic bag into a dog bowl, but I feel it is a reasonable amount of time in you have a small pack of under 10 dogs or run a medium size kennel and would like to see your dogs healthy and happy. All it takes is about 1-1.5hour per week and you can easily cater for 4-6 dogs this way. I do not think that is a lot of time considering the benefits and transformation you will see in your dogs.
Nutritional table
simple ingredients
yougurt, eggs, lambs fat, heart, quark
goats milk could be added sometimes
turkey legs
milk rarely but can be added
whte rice
cook the rice by bringing to a boil and letting it sit covered for 30minutes
brown rice is even a better choice
once let to steam on it's own the rice will cook perfectly without sticking to the pot every time
mix the rice once back to about rom temperature with the raw meat
you could use brown rice for one of the buckets and white for the other
mix pureed or mashed vegies aswell into the mix
it does not matter the type of veggies as dogs like people love variety
you can see that the rice expends after cooking and will provide this ration of 5:1:1 of meat:rice:veggies
the mix is fairly soft but not liquid ir dry
store for 5-7 days max as dogs have a different digestive system they can deal with this no problem without getting sick once their digestive system is strong and knows how to deal with real food and not processed kibble
you will have keen supervisors durng your cooking mission every time
let the meat to defrost on it's own if you have time overnight, if not you could submurge it in hot water but the lovely red color will be lost due to the fast defreeze
meat comes in many type of containers, sausage rollls or individual portions of 600g
try and mix different types of meat for variety but stick to majority having minimum 15% fat content.
most store purchased ground beef has 10% fat so you need to add extra fat especially in the winter time as greyhounds need this source of energy
here I have added a sausage roll of 500g of beef fat to bring the fat content of the raindeer meat up to about 15%
this is lamb with fat on it. As I am a vegetarian and meat has no value whatsoever for me, the dogs were happy
the whte is lambs fat 500 grams, there are other meats too low of fat so this needs to be corrected
more meats types for conparison
the buckets take about 30 minutes to make and all you do is just mix them up with your hands like knitting dough
once your dog's digestive system is strong they can digest even peas that is not steamed but this will take time, maybe about a year
to make sure the transition to raw feeding goes smooth , please starts with mashed up veg or steamed and pureed veggies. Start with smaller quantities than 5:1:1 just add cup at a time. The veggies are the once they have a hard time with and may cause upset digestion.
If you decide to give raw eggs, please cook the whites. I usually cook my eggs as I do not want to mix eggs and raw meat and they last 5 days easily this way
Steaming veggies means steaming not cooking until they are mushy, just until they are softer, than your mixer can do the rest in pureeing them up.
weight your veggies before steaming them
puree them in the steam pot
as you can see they done here
pour your veggies onto the mix, but best when cooled off, you do not want to heat up the meat or melt the fat, as it changes composition and bacteria grows way faster in warm environments in the meat
time to mix it up
you will get a work out
this shows you that the steaming of veggies does not require much water just 100-200ml
if the mix has more water do not worry
steaming cabbage is always fun
greyhounds love the mix with cabage in it, below it are the carots and apples.
a variety of veggies is always best and the deep green types are even better
you ca drink the juice and keep the pulp for the dog's food
here is the juicer pulp, this is not garbage but goes in their veg portion
you can also add yuor garlic to be mashed this way, all this is for 2 buckets and it more than enough
the pulp is mixed with the meat and rice now
another way to prepaper veggies besides steaming or juicing them, it is use a blender and this way you keep all the best without loosing vitamins to steaming. some green veg are harder to digest at first, so I recommend to start adding veggies via the steaming method and as the dogs get stronger go forward with this method for example.
all the goodness into your dog food
and you can mix matches as the blender is not large enough you could do the peas first and the carrots and apples second
variety is everything and in this mix you see I have ever added some blueberries as we have them all over the property in abundance
varietation to the veggies means variation to the taste and your dogs will love this
you could add chicken on top , but if adding it with the skin make sure the gang consumes it first. Chicken skin tends to have more bacteria and should be eaten faster in about 2-3 days max.
top up with cooked eggs, but why not.
One egg at am for everyone
We don't use this many egg all the time, but on and off week per week things get added as available
chicken pieces as extras
this mix is less as I was using mashed up liver and liver is not to be given with vitamins like E and omega due to the interaction, so we made a single portion for everyone a one day supply that had lost of organ meats. I wouldn not suggest you feed this on a dialy basis as it has to much iron and not enough fat content
you can add anything for variety, here you see some turkey we had extra off
eggs raw are fine, but be careful as more tha one now and than may be too much for your pouch
whole chicken tighs and turkey quarters require a lot of work
examples of meals
happy hounds can't wait
coconut in 1 teas spoon per day can help with coat and heart
you can make your own or buy a can from the shop
beef stock anyone? Yo know when you give your dogs large lovely beef bones and the times comes when everyone just can't eat any longer. Take these left over eaten bones and wash them, boil them in a huge covered pot for 6h and see what happens....you will have a lovely beef stock and whatever you pour this soup onto will be eaten in seconds.
Here is how to make your own fish pate from free salmon leftovers from the shop. I pick up 10kg bags for nothing, yes there are heads and tails and spines, but there is penty off fish meat left on there. Beisdes spines and fish bones have a lot of gelatin. This will create a solid jello like fish pate your dogs will adore. Keep it for max 3 days and share with friends.
free salmon carcases
chop and fill a 10liter pot
add some water, maybe less than in the picture will work as well.
boild for a while until the meat falls off the heads and puree slightly
now you have a lot of fish bones
strain away the bones
you wil be left with a fish soup and small little bones which are soft as such
check a few times that you have not missed some big bone
throw away the bones, but keep the fish soup
cool in the fridge and in 24 hours the mix will start to solidify
the less water you cook the fish in the more solid the mix will be
see it is liquid
but after 24-28 hours it is solid like jello
mackrel the best fish type for greyhounds and humans
sardines raw are lovely
greyhounds love them, some would eat them better in smaller pieces
or you can make a hering soup
alternatives are always good
those needy eyes
give it already
the dogs love this kinds of food once they lear what it is
you can use green veggies and cook at midnight like we do
you can add bio yogurt and spinach or kale with pieces of suet and lard or fat trimmings, the best things for a shiney coat
fresh spinach and kale
yougurt and omega are included
a scale is always a good idea
adding goats milk in moderation
good source of fat
they love this food
and will steal if given the chance
some additives now and than, but not every day
no doubt about it
turkey bones looking too strong and large, you can cook the wings and strip the meat
soups rehydrate the dogs and help with recovery
a hound feeling under the weather, a chicken soup is the answer
chicken skins are best cooked to kill any bacteria they may have
ill hound at home? Mix manuka with garlic and ginger and give in the mouth on it's own 2-3 times per day. kennel caugh will clear faster. We have only once had an ear infection in 8 years on one dog! Manuka mixed with 20 degree Celsius water and dropped in the ear and eyes will help tame the infection faster.
Happy curious hound
Naughty Hound
Patient Hounds
Begging Hounds
Homemade version
Special breakfast for some
Now lets talk about FAT! The one thing that you have been told not to like and what dogs need most. Without enough of it, you will have a weak dog that looks dull and tired. Dogs need fat for energy and for all their processes. Some breeds up to 50%
Steak Winner not Stake Winner :-)
this is good beef fat trimmings a few of this will help with dehydration
too much fat may cause runny stols, but this chunk will be fine, maybe not on a daly basis, but if you are feeding meat low in fat, please add to it.
too much fat may cause an upset stomach
treats look like this and not in the form of colored mini bones
bone marrow a favorite, but watch that the pieces are cut longer than this or the lower jaw of your hound's mouth may get locked up and than you wil need to visit the vet to saw it off...not a good experience a friend had to deal with
beef bones must be large enough to prevent eager hounds from swallowing them whole. These are maybe ok for smaller dogs, but for greyhounds I suggest a much larger pieces
these bones are large enough for your greyhonds
and here is the ultimate treat for a birthday perhaps, a real rabbit or hare....thye simply love it
bones for the teeth
meaty bones 1-2 per week
dogs love eating bones
stress releave for dogs is chewing bones