Greyfort Greyhounds

Stud Book & Kennel Club Registered Sporting Greyhounds

Show Prefix and Suffix


Ch - Champion
DC or DCh - Dual Champion (DC is official; combo of Ch & FC) FC - AKC lure coursing Field Champion GCh - Grand Champion

Then, there are other organizations where one's dog can earn titles:

ASFA (American Sighthound Field Asso)
NOTRA (National Oval Track Racing Asso)
LGRA (Large Gazehound Racing Asso), etc.

Some of the more common suffixes associated with these groups are:

FCh - Field Champ ORC - Oval Racing Champ SOR - Senior Oval Racer JOR - Junior Oval Racer LCM - Lure Courser of Merit CC - Coursing Champion CM - Courser of Merit

Here's a link to AKC prefix titles...
and suffix titles

Guide to the title abbreviations

Prefixes (before the dog's name)


Best In Field in American Sighthound Field Association event
BISSBest In Specialty Show
ChShow Champion (American Kennel Club = AKC)
Can ChCanadian Show Champion (Canadian Kennel Club = CKC)
FCField Champion (AKC)
DCDual Champion (AKC)
indicates AKC show and field championship

Suffixes (after the dog's name)


Coursing Champion (National Open Field Coursing Association = NOFCA)
CDCompanion Dog (AKC)
CDXCompanion Dog Excellent (AKC)
CGCCanine Good Citizen (AKC)
GrandFChGrand Field Champion (ASFA) [no longer offered]
CMCourser of Merit (NOFCA)
FCh or F.ChAmerican Sighthound Field Association (ASFA) Field Champion
FChXField Champion Excellent (usually CKC but this was at one time an ASFA title as well)
JCJunior Courser (AKC)
JORJunior Oval Racer (NOTRA)
GRCGazehound Racing Champion (Large Gazehound Racing Association = LGRA)
LCMLure Courser of Merit (ASFA)
As points are accumulated, multiple LCM titles may be earned, such as LCM3
MXMaster Agility Excellent (AKC)
NAJNovice Agility Jumper (AKC)
OAOpen Agility (AKC)
OAJOpen Agility Jumper (AKC)
ORC or ORChOval Racing Champion (Canadian Amateur Racing Association = CARA)
ORMOval Racer of Merit (CARA)
RTDRegistered Therapy Dog
SCSenior Courser (AKC)
SORSenior Oval Racer (NOTRA)
SORCSupreme Oval Racing Champion (NOTRA)
SRChStraight Racing Champion (CARA)
SRMStraight Racer of Merit (CARA)
TDTracking dog [scentwork] (AKC)
TTTemperment Tested (American Temperament Testing Society)
UDUtility Dog (AKC)
VCVersatility Certificate (Greyhound Club of America = GCA)
VCXVersatility Certificate Excellent (GCA)


Coming soon:


Coming soon:


Coming soon:


C.PUP.M. / C.PUP.F. : Classe Pupille (Puppy) Mâle / Femelle
C.J.M. / C.J.F. : Classe Jeune Mâle / Femelle
C.O.M. / C.O.F. : Classe Ouverte Mâle / Femelle
C.T.M. / C.T.F. : Classe Travail Mâle / Femelle
C.CH.M. / C.CH.F. : Classe Champion Mâle / Femelle
C.V.M. / C.V.F. : Classe Vétéran Mâle / Femelle TITRES CACS : Certificat d'Aptitude à la Conformité au Standard
RCACS : Réserve de Certificat d'Aptitude à la Conformité au Standard
CACIB : Certificat d'Aptitude au Championnat International de Beauté
RCACIB : Réserve de Certificat d'Aptitude au Championnat International de Beauté
BOB / BOG : Meilleur de race (Best Of Breed) / Meilleur de groupe (Best Of Group)
BIS : Meilleur chien de l'exposition toutes races (Best In Show)
Ch.Int. ou CHIB : Champion International de beauté

Every dog will be given an individual critique with a grade shown below:

EXC : Excellent
TB : Très Bon
B : Bon
AB : Assez Bon
TP : Très Prometteur (uniquement conformité au standard)
P : Prometteur (uniquement conformité au standard)
AP : Assez Prometteur (uniquement conformité au standard)
Insuf : Insuffisant


Coming soon:


Coming soon:

© 2020 Greyfort Greyhounds Europe. All pictures and text copyright protected to their authors. Images V.Gentchev, S.Ryan, L.Tomson, S.Rantanen, S.Szűcs, M.Schmidt, C.Grieb, J.Bolton, D.McKeon, BHK Photo, Y.Harrington, R.Hogue, D.Sadler, J.D.Kelly, K.Rosenfeld, Viaraart Studio and many more! No permission for use of any material seen here! Contact